Home Wedding Wedding Shower Invitations

Wedding Shower Invitations



  • The pleasure of your company is requested at a bridal shower honoring [Name]
  • [Name]’s presence is requested at a bridal shower
  • [Host’s Name] cordially invites you to a bridal shower honoring [Name]


  • Celebrate with us at a bridal shower for [Name]
  • Join us for a bridal shower in honor of [Name]
  • We’re throwing a bridal shower for [Name]. Please join us!


  • Let’s shower [Name] with love and gifts!
  • Come help us celebrate [Name]’s upcoming wedding!
  • [Name] is getting married. Let’s party!

Wording for Specific Events

  • Brunch: Join us for a bridal brunch in honor of [Name]
  • Lunch: Celebrate [Name]’s upcoming wedding with a luncheon bridal shower
  • Tea Party: Sip tea and nibble on treats at a bridal tea party for [Name]
  • Wine Tasting: Sample fine wines and celebrate [Name]’s future happiness at a bridal wine tasting
  • Spa Day: Relax and rejuvenate at a spa bridal shower for [Name]

Additional Invitation Wording

  • RSVP: Please RSVP by [Date] to [Email Address or Phone Number]
  • Registry: [Name] is registered at [Store Name]
  • Dietary Restrictions: Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions
  • Gift Suggestions: Help us shower [Name] with love and gifts by contributing to her [Group Gift] or selecting something from her [Registry]
  • Dress Code: [Dress Code]## Wedding Shower Invitations

Executive Summary:

Planning a wedding shower is a joyous occasion that requires meticulous attention to detail. Wedding shower invitations set the tone for the celebration and convey essential information to guests. This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights, tips, and inspiration to create unforgettable wedding shower invitations that leave a lasting impression.


Wedding showers hold a special place in the wedding planning journey, honoring the bride-to-be and celebrating the upcoming nuptials. Sending out well-crafted invitations is crucial to ensure guests are informed of the date, time, and venue while reflecting the overall theme of the shower. Let’s explore the essential elements and considerations for creating exceptional wedding shower invitations.


1. When should I send out wedding shower invitations?

2. What information should be included on wedding shower invitations?

3. How can I make my wedding shower invitations stand out?

Top 5 Subtopics:

1. Invitation Wording and Design:

Your invitation’s wording and design lay the groundwork for the event’s atmosphere. Craft elegant and informative wording that captures the essence of the occasion. Choose a design that aligns with the theme, whether it’s classic, whimsical, or modern. Consider elements like fonts, colors, and graphics to create a cohesive aesthetic.

  • Personalization: Infuse your invitations with personality by using the bride-to-be’s name and a heartfelt message.
  • Formal or Casual: Match the tone of your wording to the formality of the event.
  • RSVP Details: Clearly indicate how guests can RSVP and provide a deadline.

2. Guest List and Mailing:

Compile a comprehensive guest list well in advance to ensure everyone you want to be there receives an invitation. Address invitations formally, using proper titles and full names. Consider using online RSVP platforms to streamline the process and track guest responses.

  • Timely Mailing: Send out invitations 6-8 weeks before the shower.
  • Address Verification: Double-check all addresses for accuracy.
  • RSVP Instructions: Provide clear instructions for guests to RSVP by a specified date.

3. Paper Selection and Printing:

The paper you choose for your invitations sets the stage for the overall quality. Opt for high-quality paper with a substantial feel. Explore different printing techniques, such as letterpress, foil stamping, or digital printing, to add depth and sophistication to your invitations.

  • Paper Quality: Choose paper with a weight and texture that conveys the importance of the event.
  • Printing Techniques: Consider different printing methods to enhance the visual impact of your invitations.
  • Special Embellishments: Add finishing touches like ribbons, lace, or wax seals to elevate the presentation.

4. Shower Details and Registry:

Provide all necessary information about the shower on the invitation, including the date, time, location, and dress code. If desired, include a subtle mention of the couple’s registry, making it easy for guests to contribute to their future home.

  • Essential Information: Clearly state the date, time, and venue of the shower.
  • Dress Code: Indicate the appropriate attire for guests.
  • Registry Information: Provide details about the couple’s gift registry, if applicable.

5. Response Cards and Envelopes:

Response cards allow guests to RSVP and convey any dietary restrictions or special requests. Match the design of the response cards to the invitations and use high-quality envelopes that complement the overall presentation.

  • Response Card Design: Coordinate the response card design with the invitations.
  • Envelope Selection: Choose envelopes that fit the invitations and reflect the event’s style.
  • Postal Considerations: Pay attention to postage costs and ensure you have the correct postage for both invitations and response cards.


Creating memorable wedding shower invitations is an expression of your excitement for the celebration and the love you share. By meticulously considering each element, from the wording and design to the paper quality and details, you can craft invitations that beautifully announce the special occasion and create lasting memories for the bride-to-be and her guests.

Keyword Tags:

  • Wedding Shower Invitations
  • Invitation Wording and Design
  • Guest List and Mailing
  • Paper Selection and Printing
  • Shower Details and Registry