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Red Wedding Episode


[Scene: The Twins, Walder Frey’s castle]

Your Graces, my lords and ladies, you are most welcome at the Twins.

Lord Walder. Thank you for your hospitality.

Oh, it is my pleasure, my lord. And it is an honor to have the King in the North in my humble abode.

Thank you, Lord Walder.

Now, let us feast.

[The guests begin to eat.]

To the King in the North!

To the King in the North!

[The guests continue to eat and drink.]

Now, let us dance.

[The guests begin to dance.]

[Robb and Talisa are dancing.]

I never thought I would find a woman as beautiful and as kind as you.

Thank you, Robb.

[They continue to dance.]

[The music suddenly stops.]

The Rains of Castamere.

[The musicians begin to play the Rains of Castamere.]

(to the guests)
My lords and ladies, I present to you the King in the North and the Lady of Riverrun.

[The guests look on in shock.]

What is the meaning of this?

You know exactly what it means, boy.

[The guests draw their swords.]

Kill them all.

[The guests attack Robb and Talisa.]

[Robb and Talisa fight back, but they are outnumbered.]

[Robb is killed by Roose Bolton.]

[Talisa is killed by Walder Frey.]

[The guests continue to kill the remaining Starks.]

[Catelyn Stark is taken prisoner.]

[The Red Wedding is over.]## [Red Wedding Episode]

Executive Summary:

“The Red Wedding” is a pivotal episode in the popular HBO series “Game of Thrones.” Known for its shocking and brutal nature, this episode has left an enduring impact on viewers. This comprehensive article delves into the key details, characters, and themes surrounding the Red Wedding, offering insights into its significance and impact on the series.


The Red Wedding, occurring in the ninth episode of the third season of “Game of Thrones,” is a pivotal event that dramatically alters the course of the series. It involves the treacherous murder of several prominent characters during a wedding celebration, sending shockwaves through the Seven Kingdoms and among viewers worldwide.


  1. What is the Red Wedding?

    • The Red Wedding is a treacherous and brutal massacre that takes place during a wedding celebration in the TV series “Game of Thrones.”
  2. Who is involved in the Red Wedding?

    • The Red Wedding primarily involves the Stark and Frey families, with Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, and Talisa Stark as key victims. The Freys, led by Walder Frey, orchestrate the massacre with the assistance of the Boltons.
  3. Why does the Red Wedding happen?

    • The Red Wedding is a meticulously planned act of revenge by Walder Frey, who seeks retribution for the perceived slight of being passed over for an alliance with House Stark.


1. The Stark Family:

  • The Starks are a noble family from Winterfell, led by Robb Stark.
    • Key members killed: Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Talisa Stark
    • Robb Stark: Heir to House Stark, King of the North
    • Catelyn Stark: Robb’s mother, former Lady of Winterfell
    • Talisa Stark: Robb’s wife, pregnant with their child

2. The Frey Family:

  • The Freys are a powerful bannerman house from the Twins.
    • Key members involved: Walder Frey, Roose Bolton
    • Walder Frey: Patriarch of House Frey, orchestrates the massacre
    • Roose Bolton: Ally of House Frey, assists in the planning and execution

3. The Wedding Ceremony:

  • The wedding takes place at the Twins, home of House Frey.
    • False sense of security: Guests enjoy a festive atmosphere
    • Foreshadowing: Portents of doom appear, such as Frey soldiers securing the exits
    • Breaking of guest right: The massacre violates the sacred tradition of hospitality

4. The Massacre:

  • The killing begins abruptly during the wedding feast.
    • Sudden violence: Freys attack the Starks and their allies
    • Brutal slaughter: The Starks are outnumbered and overwhelmed
    • Gruesome aftermath: The bodies of the slain are displayed as trophies

5. Aftermath and Legacy:

  • The Red Wedding has profound consequences for the Seven Kingdoms.
    • Power vacuum: Robb Stark’s death creates a void in the North
    • Loss of trust: The massacre destroys the trust between noble houses
    • Lingering trauma: The Red Wedding becomes a haunting memory for survivors


“The Red Wedding” is an unforgettable and transformative episode in “Game of Thrones.” Its shocking violence and betrayal leave a lasting impression on characters and viewers alike. The episode exposes the dark and unpredictable nature of the show’s world, where even the most sacred customs can be violated in the pursuit of power. The Red Wedding serves as a pivotal moment that forever alters the course of the series, haunting characters and shaping the political landscape of Westeros.

Keyword Tags:

  • Red Wedding
  • Game of Thrones
  • Robb Stark
  • Walder Frey
  • Treachery