Home Wedding Wedding Shower Games

Wedding Shower Games



  • Materials: List of wedding-related words or phrases
  • Instructions: Divide guests into teams. Write down a wedding-related word or phrase on a piece of paper. Have one person from each team take turns acting out the word or phrase while their team guesses.

Wedding Bingo

  • Materials: Bingo cards with wedding-related words or phrases
  • Instructions: Distribute bingo cards to guests. As the wedding unfolds, guests will listen for the words or phrases on their cards. When a guest hears a word or phrase, they mark it off on their card. The first guest to get five in a row yells “Bingo!”

Who Knows the Bride/Groom Best?

  • Materials: List of questions about the bride or groom
  • Instructions: Divide guests into teams. Ask each team questions about the bride or groom. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Pin the Veil on the Bride

  • Materials: Poster of a bride, veil, blindfold
  • Instructions: Blindfold guests and have them take turns trying to pin the veil on the bride. The guest who comes closest to pinning the veil in the correct spot wins.

Guess the Wedding Dress

  • Materials: Photos of different wedding dresses
  • Instructions: Show guests photos of different wedding dresses. Have them guess which dress the bride will wear. The guest who guesses correctly wins.

Wedding Mad Libs

  • Materials: Mad Libs template with wedding-related words missing
  • Instructions: Give guests a Mad Libs template with wedding-related words missing. Have them fill in the blanks with random words. Read the completed Mad Libs aloud for a laugh.

Wedding Pictionary

  • Materials: List of wedding-related words or phrases
  • Instructions: Divide guests into teams. Write down a wedding-related word or phrase on a piece of paper. Have one person from each team take turns drawing the word or phrase while their team guesses.

Wedding Jenga

  • Materials: Jenga blocks
  • Instructions: Write wedding-related questions or challenges on the Jenga blocks. As guests remove blocks from the tower, they must answer the question or complete the challenge written on the block.

Wedding Scattergories

  • Materials: List of wedding-related categories
  • Instructions: Give guests a list of wedding-related categories. They have a limited amount of time to come up with as many words as they can that fit into each category. The guest with the most words at the end wins.

Wedding Charades

  • Materials: List of wedding-related words or phrases
  • Instructions: Divide guests into teams. Write down a wedding-related word or phrase on a piece of paper. Have one person from each team take turns acting out the word or phrase while their team guesses.## Wedding Shower Games

    Executive Summary

Wedding showers are a time for the bride-to-be to celebrate with her closest friends and family before her big day. Games are a great way to get everyone involved and have some fun. This article will provide you with everything you need to know about wedding shower games, from planning to playing.


There are no rules when it comes to wedding shower games. You can choose to play traditional games, or you can create your own. The most important thing is to have fun and create a memorable experience for the bride-to-be.

3 FAQs

  1. What are some popular wedding shower games?

Some popular wedding shower games include:

  • He Said, She Said: Guests have to guess which answer belongs to the bride and which belongs to the groom.
  • Would She Rather: Guests have to guess which option the bride would rather do, such as “eat cake or eat ice cream?”
  • The Newlywed Game: The bride and groom are asked questions about each other, and the guests have to guess the answers.
  1. How do I choose the right wedding shower games?

When choosing wedding shower games, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The bride’s personality: Choose games that the bride will enjoy playing. If she is a competitive person, you may want to choose games that involve a challenge. If she is more laid-back, you may want to choose games that are more relaxed.
  • The number of guests: Make sure you choose games that will work well with the number of guests you are expecting. If you have a large number of guests, you may want to choose games that can be played in teams.
  • The time of year: If you are having a summer shower, you may want to choose games that can be played outdoors. If you are having a winter shower, you may want to choose games that can be played indoors.
  1. How do I play wedding shower games?

The rules for wedding shower games vary depending on the game. Be sure to read the instructions carefully before playing.

Top 5 Subtopics

1. Bridal Bingo

Bridal Bingo is a fun and easy game to play at a wedding shower. Guests simply fill out a bingo card with squares that contain words or phrases related to the bride or the wedding. As the game progresses, the host will read out clues, and guests will mark off the squares that match the clues. The first guest to mark off all of the squares on their bingo card wins.

  • Instructions:
    • Each guest receives a bingo card with squares that contain words or phrases related to the bride or the wedding.
    • The host reads out clues, and guests mark off the squares that match the clues.
    • The first guest to mark off all of the squares on their bingo card wins.
  • Supplies:
    • Bingo cards
    • Markers or pens
  • Tips:
    • Make sure the bingo cards are customized to the bride and the wedding.
    • The clues should be challenging but not impossible to guess.
    • Have a prize on hand for the winner.

2. Don’t Say Bride

Don’t Say Bride is a fun and interactive game to play at a wedding shower. Guests are given a list of words or phrases that they are not allowed to say. If a guest says one of the forbidden words, they have to give a forfeit.

  • Instructions:
    • Guests are given a list of words or phrases that they are not allowed to say.
    • If a guest says one of the forbidden words, they have to give a forfeit.
    • The forfeits can be anything from singing a song to doing a dance.
  • Supplies:
    • A list of forbidden words or phrases
    • Forfeits
  • Tips:
    • Make sure the list of forbidden words or phrases is appropriate for the guests.
    • The forfeits should be fun and embarrassing.
    • Have a prize on hand for the guest who says the most forbidden words.

3. Wedding Charades

Wedding Charades is a classic game that is always a hit at wedding showers. Guests take turns acting out words or phrases related to the bride or the wedding. The other guests have to guess what the word or phrase is.

  • Instructions:
    • One guest acts out a word or phrase related to the bride or the wedding.
    • The other guests have to guess what the word or phrase is.
    • The guest who guesses correctly gets to act out the next word or phrase.
  • Supplies:
    • A list of words or phrases to act out
    • A timer (optional)
  • Tips:
    • Make sure the list of words or phrases is appropriate for the guests.
    • The words or phrases should be challenging but not impossible to guess.
    • Have a prize on hand for the guest who guesses the most words or phrases.

4. Wedding Pictionary

Wedding Pictionary is a fun and creative game to play at a wedding shower. Guests take turns drawing words or phrases related to the bride or the wedding. The other guests have to guess what the word or phrase is.

  • Instructions:
    • One guest draws a word or phrase related to the bride or the wedding.
    • The other guests have to guess what the word or phrase is.
    • The guest who guesses correctly gets to draw the next word or phrase.
  • Supplies:
    • A whiteboard or large piece of paper
    • Markers or pens
    • A timer (optional)
  • Tips:
    • Make sure the list of words or phrases is appropriate for the guests.
    • The words or phrases should be challenging but not impossible to guess.
    • Have a prize on hand for the guest who guesses the most words or phrases.

5. Wedding Scavenger Hunt

A Wedding Scavenger Hunt is a fun and active game to play at a wedding shower. Guests are given a list of clues, and they have to follow the clues to find a prize.

  • Instructions:
    • Guests are given a list of clues.
    • They have to follow the clues to find a prize.
    • The first guest to find the prize wins.
  • Supplies:
    • A list of clues
    • A prize
  • Tips:
    • Make sure the clues are appropriate for the guests.
    • The clues should be challenging but not impossible to solve.
    • Have a fun prize on hand for the winner.


Wedding shower games are a great way to get everyone involved and have some fun. When choosing games, it is important to consider the bride’s personality, the number of guests, and the time of year. With a little planning, you can choose games that everyone will enjoy.

Keyword Tags

  • wedding shower games
  • bridal bingo
  • don’t say bride
  • wedding charades
  • wedding pictionary
  • wedding scavenger hunt